This client success story features QoreInsights, a teacher development platform that leverages AI technology, real-time teacher and student input, and multidisciplinary research to accelerate student learning while supporting well-being.
Our need for LXD Research
QoreInsights came to LXD Research because there’s a push for evidence, and district Leaders want to see the proven impact on student learning to jump the conversation forward. QORE Insights language is needed to show they are a research-based company from a third-party perspective.
District leaders are currently approaching products with a new skepticism. The prospecting time for sales outreach was longer than experience. Sales teams experience more rejection. Sometimes, the district would ask for specific research, and when we didn’t have it, our reps would get an instant “no” from the schools. With research being such a determining factor for purchasing considerations in today’s paradigm, it initially took a lot of work to understand district leaders’ decision requirements.
The LXD Research Pathway
We went with LXD Research to help us overcome this barrier. Based on Dr. Schechter’s recommendation, we focused on the Digital Promise certification because it communicates that research guided our product from the beginning, which it did. We qualified and won the award within (how many months). Since winning this accreditation, people have publicly acknowledged us for the accolade, and we proudly showcase it on our website.
For our second credibility win, LXD Research helped us write up the impact of our pilot program from previous data. With Dr. Schechter’s expertise, use this, or this is good to report, or this needs more work, or this is where you’ll want to improve the next time you do something like this. It was perfect because we wanted to show student impact to our customers in a tangible way, and it provided us with an ESSA level three badge.
The Power of the ESSA Packet
At StartEdtech Week in NYC this past year, our ESSA Evidence Packet and Level Three Badge were visible right at the front of our table in a clear-facing report folder. People complimented our display. As leaders walked by visually scanning our table, they slowed and walked toward us, picking up the folder to read through it. Some would ask questions; others would grab a card and ask for a meeting. The engagement was night and day, and it was about how people spoke to us. When they immediately saw the ESSA Level Three Badge with the Digital Promise accreditation, I no longer had to prove our credibility. We were finally past the, where are you? How many schools are you guys working with? Should I even be talking to you? Is this real? The research improved our credibility, and we had a much higher return on investment from that show.
Jumping Our Sales Conversation Forward
Before, districts were more skeptical, and even though we’ve been discussing being research-based from the beginning, having the Digital Promise and the ESSA Evidence Packet proved our credibility. It’s the same evidence we had before, but to have it written and endorsed made us jump past the questioning phase, where they could concentrate on what we were doing and whether or not they needed our product.
Since having our ESSA Evidence Packet, we’re booking more second meetings and meetings from meetings just by saying we have it. We are getting to know the curriculum directors, the directors of professional learning, and the next group of people because they can see the story and how our product worked in a school. We added anecdotal stuff from our interviews, even if they didn’t read it. They see the badges and feel comfortable talking about it. It has created this bridge for customers we didn’t have before.
“With research being such a determining factor for purchasing considerations in today’s paradigm, it is hard in the beginning to understand the current research requirements that district leaders are basing their decisions on. Working with LXD Research was a great experience for us.”
Toni Shub